Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today's Signs

Lindera benzoin (Spicebush)
Trillium grandiflorum
Mitchella repens (Partridge Berry)
Daphne mezereum (February daphne)

I took these pictures today at the conservation area. The only one I can ID is the Trillium. The last one looks a little like a small lilac, but I remember seeing these bushes in the summer, and the leaves looked sort of like rhododendrons. Something else to keep me googling.


  1. Nice post! The only ID I'm certain of from the pictures is a fruiting partridgeberry (Michelle repens). They love cool, damp, acidic areas. the two flowers actually fuze together to create one fruit (berry), which is why there are two holes on the fruit. Great find!

  2. Found your blog through my friend, Mike from above. Your first photograph appears to me as Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) just getting ready to pop. Those yellow flowers and dark twigs with heavy lenticeling is a dead give away. As for the other I'm not entirely sure. It seems to me like some kind of ornamental or landscape planting. Keep up the good work!

  3. And thanks A.L. for identifying the spicebush. There's a lot of it on that hillside, and I was hoping it was something that belonged there.
