Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 4 - More about what's left

There are quite a few of these red-stemmed, highly browsed shrub skeletons remaining  after the invasives have been removed.  I can only assume that these are dogwood, probably Cornus sericea.

This is about the largest non-buckthorn tree that I've cleared around so far.  It's buds are pretty far along, and there's only evidence of a little critter nibbling around the base.  My tentative guess is that it's an American willow.  There are a couple of other small trees that seem to be other types of willow, but it doesn't matter because once the leaves are out, I can go back and fix this and make it look like I can ID any tree any time of year, when in actuality I'm pretty clueless.  At the right is a buckthorn stump that I haven't gotten around to leveling.  The mounds behind the tree were probably left by the Army Reserve when they were doing training on the land.

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